Disneyland May Reopen in Yellow Tier Says New California Guidelines

California Governor Gavin Newsom stands in front of the letters once outside Disney California Adventure
California Governor Gavin Newsom stands in front of the letters once outside Disney California Adventure

California health officials have finally given guidelines for Disneyland other state theme parks to reopen in the Yellow Tier.

In a press conference call today, California announced its official guidelines for theme parks reopening. It stressed that health and safety would come first. However, are several precautions being taken:

California Theme Park Reopening Guidelines

All theme parks may resume operations in Tier 4 (Yellow/Minimal)
• This includes Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Knott’s Berry Farm
• Limited capacity of 25 percent

Smaller theme parks may resume operations in Tier 3 (Orange/Moderate)
• Limited capacity of 25 percent or 500 whichever is fewer
• May only open outdoor attractions
• Ticket sales limited to visitors in same county

All theme parks
• Implement reservation system and screen guests for symptoms in advance
• Face coverings mandatory throughout the park unless eating or drinking

Most alarming is that Disneyland and other large theme parks will need to reopen in the most difficult tier to establish. Yellow Tier means minimal spread within a county. That is, less than 2% positive tests. It can also be achieved with less than 1 daily new cases per 100,000 residents in a county. As of October 20th, Orange County is in the Red Tier, two spots above Yellow. In other words, it could take months for Disneyland to reopen.

The updates were delivered in a video call by Dr. Mark Ghaly of California Health and Human Services. Dr. Ghaly and Gov. Newsom have worked closely throughout the pandemic. Dr. Ghaly was appointed to this position in March of 2019. However, neither could foresee what would transpire a year later. Under Dr. Ghaly’s guidance, California has taken cautious measures to combat spread.

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Disneyland and other California theme parks shut their doors back in March due to the pandemic. The theme park resort first announced its reopening in July 2020. However, the State of California hadn’t given guidelines for theme parks, sports events, and concerts. So the opening was delayed until guidelines were set.

Since then, Disney has laid off over 28,000 employees related to its US theme parks. Many of these were part-time employees at Disneyland. Though time will only tell long Orange County can move into the Yellow Tier for its theme park to reopen. To get updates on Disneyland’s reopening, sign up for our free e-mail newsletter! You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter.