What Does Harry Potter Butterbeer Taste Like?

Butterbeer at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Butterbeer at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

When speaking to readers and friends who’ve never visited The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, we usually get asked one question: what does Butterbeer taste like? The delicious drink made its theme park debut in 2010 along with Hogsmeade Village in Orlando. Since then, over 20 million cups of this drink have been sold!

So, what’s the big deal with Butterbeer? Any Harry Potter fan will tell you that they’ve always dreamt of drinking this magical concoction. Author J. K. Rowling does such a fantastic job of describing the treats within her books that fans can’t help but to buy a cup.

To us, Butterbeer tastes like a mixture of cream soda and butterscotch. It’s not quite like root beer and certainly doesn’t have the bite. Instead, it’s a very sweet blend of creamy toffee flavors with a soda fizz. The standard version is also served with a dollop of whipped cream on top.

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Now, if you don’t have the biggest sweet tooth, you may want to try the slushy version of the drink. Instead of being a soda, the drink is served with blended ice like a smoothie. To us, both are delicious and make great treats for those summer swelters.

Butterbeer is sold in carts and restaurants within the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando and Universal Studios Hollywood. To get updates on Universal snacks, sign up for our free e-mail newsletter! You can also follow us on Instagram and Twitter.