Review: Christmas Churro at Pecos Bill (Magic Kingdom)

Christmas Churro with dipping sauce found at  Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe
Christmas Churro with dipping sauce found at Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe

A review of the Christmas Churro holiday snack found at Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe in the Magic Kingdom.

Delicious holiday snacks and treats fill the Magic Kingdom’s food lineup this year! One of our favorites was the Christmas Churro from Pecos Bill in Frontierland. The churro is served in pieces, so we think that it should have been called “Christmas Churro Bites.”

Overall, it’s just your standard cinnamon and sugar churro with red and green sprinkles. However, ours was served hot and fresh which made the flavor stand out even more. The best part is the chocolate dipping sauce that brings the flavors together!

We love snacks that we can easily share, and the bite-sized portions were enough for 2-3 people, depending on how much they wanted. The photo above shows how many pieces come a serving (each were about 3 inches long). Furthermore, we recommend using the mobile order feature on the Walt Disney World app to avoid waiting in line.

Where: Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe (Frontierland in Magic Kingdom)
Price: $5.89
Disney Dining Plan: N/A
Mobile Order: Yes

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