Universal’s Epic Universe Gets a New Opening Date

Universal Epic Universe Concept Art
Universal Epic Universe Concept Art ©Universal

The Universal Orlando Resort’s third park Epic Universe has a new opening date now that construction has resumed!

Fans of Universal Orlando should feel excited! The theme park empire announced that it will resume construction on the third park immediately. The new expected opening date for Epic Universe is in 2025.

Located to the south of the Universal Orlando Resort, Epic Universe is expected to be a “new level” of theme park. New lands are rumored for Super Nintendo World, How to Train Your Dragon, Universal Monsters, and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Of these lands, Universal only confirmed Super Nintendo World.

Additionally, Epic Universe houses a new hotel and shopping experiences. It’s entirely possible that guests may be able to access parts for shopping without a ticket. However, Universal Orlando did not confirm this yet. It’s also important to note that some original design concepts may have changed.

Related to Universal’s Epic Universe Gets a New Opening Date

Construction on Epic Universe stopped in July of last year. Since then, fans have eagerly waited for this new park to open. Thankfully the original construction date only pushed back about a year. To get updates on the best Universal Orlando tips and attraction opening dates, sign up for our free e-mail newsletter! You can also check out our Universal Orlando guidebook here!