56 Must-See Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes

Star Wars The Clone Wars
Star Wars: The Clone Wars ©LucasFilm

We’ve created a list of must-see Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes for your bingeing pleasure. The entire animated series is now available for streaming on Disney+.

Star Wars: Galaxys’ Edge heavily relies on content created for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels. Mostly because both series are fantastic, detailed looks into the Star Wars galaxy. However, to really get into Rebels, you need to watch The Clone Wars first.

The Clone Wars animated series begins right after the events of Episode II: Attack of the Clones. However, the story eventually makes its way through the events of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. It’s a tale of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin’s apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, the breakout star of the series.

Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Clone Wars was created by George Lucas, but eventually made its way into the hands of Star Wars super fan and animator, Dave Filoni. Personally, we credit Finoli with bringing the backstory to life in the most explosive ways. However, not all episodes of The Clone Wars are good. In fact, many of them are downright boring.

Nevertheless, we highly recommend this show for all Star Wars fans. Even though the 121 episodes average at just 24 minutes each, that’s still about 48 hours of television. So, we’ve created a list with the absolute best, not-to-be-missed episodes that will provide the best backstory possible.

Anakin and his padawan, Ahoska
Anakin and his padawan, Ahoska. Before The Clone Wars, there was no mention that Skywalker had an apprentice. ©LucasFilm

The Must-See The Clone Wars Episodes

Season 1: Episodes 2-5
Meet Ahsoka, the clone troopers, and see how the show fits into the the timeline. Episode 1 seems more like a listless pilot, so we recommend skipping it.

Season 1: Episodes 11-12
Space pirate, Hondo Ohnaka is introduced for the first time. See the roots of this recurring character who eventually made his way into Disney theme parks!

Season 1: Episodes 19-22
The story finally builds in these episodes and set up the rest of the series. Furthermore, the Twi’lek, who become essential parts of the story in Rebels, have their backstory expanded during these episodes.

Hondo Ohnaka in The Clone Wars
Hondo Ohnaka in The Clone Wars ©LucasFilm

Season 2: Episodes 1-3
Enter the holocron! The show finally picks up and dives into the important backstory of how the Sith planned to wipe out Force-sensitive children.

Season 2: Episodes 12-14
Naturally, a good looking guy like Obi-Wan has a love interest. What you may not know is that she’s a Mandalorian. The long and awesome history of Mandalore starts its story with these episodes.

Season 2: Episodes 20-22
Young Boba Fett reenters the universe, seeking revenge of his father’s killer, Mace Windu. While Fett’s storyline doesn’t continue too much in this series, fans of this Mandalorian bounty hunter will dig this backstory.

Season 3: Episodes 5-6
More about Mandalore before its fall.

Season 3: Episodes 12-17
This is where The Clone Wars gets both cool and weird. The Night Sisters (part of Darth Maul’s race) reveal the magical side of the Force. The series takes a deeper dive into the mythology surrounding the Force with the Father, Daughter, and Son, who represent all aspects of the power.

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Ahsoka Tano
Ahsoka Tano ©LucasFilm

Season 4: Episodes 19-22
The story builds toward a surprised returned enemy, Darth Maul, who acts as the biggest threat to the galaxy after Darth Sideous.

Season 5: Episodes 1 & 14-20
While Season 5 has some of the best episodes in the series, it falls short with a multi-episode side story involving R2D2 and other droids. However, the episodes with the Maul and Ahsoka story arcs are essential!

Season 6: Episodes 1-4 & 11-13
If you have the time, watch all 13 episodes in Season 6. Each well-done episode details how the Republic learned of the Palpatine’s plans.

Season 7: Episodes 1-5, 8-12
The Clone Wars final season aired six years after the previous. Much of it takes place during Revenge of the Sith and shows how The Clone Wars were lost. If you struggled through some of the first few seasons, the finale has a satisfying payoff.

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